Consulting services dealing with all aspects of acquiring, assessing, planning, developing, constructing, and operating real estate investment property.
Pro-Ject International has a wide variety or options and all-encompassing services for Construction Real Estate Development. Below are the major offerings of our service set. Clicking on the ‘View Service Details’ link will reveal the unique points of each service.
Collection of data describing the user’s needs and objectives.
Evaluation and organization of such data into a format that can guide the site selection, site assessment, and design and construction objectives for the project.
Identification of all the quantitative and qualitative objectives for the project.
After completing the Needs Assessments, and Programming Studies, analysis of the target land area requirements for proposed new development/facility expansion is undertaken.
The application of desired building area requirements, parking requirements, density objectives, FAR limitations, height restrictions, property setbacks, open space requirements, and other anticipated restraints, in order to determine the required property size for the conduction of site searches and selection process.
Assessment ad evaluation, in greater detail, of the specific existing property conditions that influence the development opportunities as well as the restraints of the property. Studies Include:
The property is analyzed for its suitability for the proposed development, and tested for its responsiveness to meet the project objectives.
Inspection and examination of physical facility conditions for the evaluation of making facility improvements, or renovations, or for preventative maintenance alternatives to preserve or restore facilities for re-use or adaptive reutilization, or disposition of property.
Evaluation of multi-phase projects to analyze variable alternative approaches for the execution of planning. Studies include:
These studies range in scope from preliminary conceptual estimates, to comprehensive detailed financial modeling of the overall economics of the income/expense pro-forma’s for proposed real estate development. Including:
Turnkey delivery of project design and construction services for new facility construction, expansions, alterations and renovations to real property.
Planning, budgeting, design and construction administration of new on-site and off-site infrastructure improvements.
Turnkey design and construction of micro-aeration wastewater treatment facilities.
Immediate response to the occurrence of a disaster that creates damage and destruction to private and public facilities.
Onsite or offsite training of client personnel in the techniques for advance project management and, or any other services described herein.
Preliminary physical field examination of existing buildings and properties to assess the existing conditions that can influence the terms and conditions of a purchase and sale of real properties.
Preliminary studies comparing multiple candidate parcels to the Project Program Objectives.
Preparation of overall budgets for the acquisition of either improved or vacant property.
Evaluation of existing real estate assets to determine the existing overall conditions and to make recommendations for repairs and renovations to enhance the marketability or ‘Fair Market Value’ of a real property for disposition.
Investigation of the site market area to determine the total comparative product available, the vacancies or available sites, the annual absorption, major users and other trends existing or evolving throughout the market area.
Evaluation of existing conditions to assess the opportunities to redevelop an improved property, and enhance the value of the asset through the adaptive re-use of the existing facility into an alternative function.
Evaluation to determine highest and best use of the property for development.
Evaluation of a property’s governing environmental regulations and existing site conditions, including reporting on the compliance status of the property.
Financial evaluation of the terms and conditions of proposed lease agreements.
Preparation of discounted cash flow financial model and analysis of Base Rent, Additional Rent, Operating Expenses, Tenant Improvement Expenses, Concessions, Moving Expenses, and all other considerations influencing the economics of the lease alternatives on a Net Present Value Basis.
Recommendation Report explaining the pros and cons of each candidate lease.
Professional assistance to the Attorneys and Tenant Representatives in the preparation and negotiations of suitable language to be included with the lease transaction documents.
Special focus is applied to developing Work Letter and Tenant Improvement requirements and other performance obligations required by the Landlord.
As owner/developer, administration and management of operating and maintaining improved or unimproved real estate assets.
A series of progressive technical and economic due diligence support services, which lead to the critical assessment and validation of the real property, the improvements as well as the economic and market performance.
The application of our solid asset management skills combined with experience in managing distressed properties, provides our clients with distinctive competence in the ability to determine appropriate solution strategies to defend, recover, and enhance value.